1) It is time to go to sleep, night night, bed time, off to the land of zzz's. a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysyndeton 2) In this classroom we laugh. In this classroom we learn. In this classroom we read and write. a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysendeton 3) She cried and laughed and napped and ran a mile and ate an entire pizza in an hour. a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysyndeton 4) That cat is pretty ugly! a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysyndeton 5) When the student made a disrespectful comment the teacher said, "that's cute!" a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysyndeton 6) The basketball coach yelled, "I need all feet on the baseline." a) antiphrasis b) congery c) anaphora d) synecdoche e) oxymoron f) polysyndeton 7) I wake, eat, work, run, eat, sleep. a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimetabole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos 8) She is kind. Kind is Beauty. Beauty is love. Love is kind. a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimetabole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos 9) All for one, one for all! a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimetabole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos 10) establishing trust or credibility with your audience. a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimetobole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos 11) appeal to reason, using facts to persuade a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimebole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos 12) appeal to emotions a) asyndeton b) anadiplosis c) antimebole d) ethos e) logos f) pathos

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