I’m Ella the ____ .I’m ____ . I’m ____. ____got big ears. I’ve ____ a long ____. I’m ____ the ____.I’m ____ and white. I’ve got ____. I’ve ____ four legs. ____ got a tail. I’m ____ the ____.I’m ____. I’ve got a big ____ and big ____. I’ve got four short ____ and a long ____. I’m ____. I’m ____ the ____.I’m ____ and ____. I’ve got a long ____. I’ve got no ____. I’m ____ dangerous. I’m ____ the ____.I’m ____ and ____. I’ve got ____ legs. I’ve got a ____ neck. I’m ____. That is ____, the ____.It is very ____. It has got big ____ and a long ____. Phil has got ____ legs and one ____.

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