1) The US is made up of ____states and a federal district (District of Columbia). a) 55 b) 50 c) 49 2) The US is a____________ state united by a ____________ .  a) republican/federal government b) federal/central government. c) monarchical/entral government. 3) The head of each state is _______________ a) the President b) The Councelor c) the Governor 4) The federal government consists of 3 branches: the law-making (legislation), the _______ and the judicial power. a) executive b) counceling c) trade 5) The law-making (legislation) power lies with __________ a) Supreme Court b) Congress c) President 6) Congress in the US is responsible for law-making (legislation). 2 parts of Congress are ________________.  a) Senate and House of Representatives b) Senate and House of Lords c) Senate and House of freaks 7) The Supreme Court holds ___________ power. a) judicial b) all the possible c) legislation

The US and its system of government


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