1) Better late than never a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 2) All the world’s a stage, a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 3) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 4) You can’t teach an old dog new tricks a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 5) A butler spends his days in a beautiful mansion dressed in a tuxedo, but returns home to a closet-sized apartment in a rundown part of town. a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 6) That’s my adult child. Poor thing still can’t get himself into the real adult world. a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 7) That football player is really putting the team on his back this evening! a) Juxtaposition b) Oxymoron c) Parallelism d) Simile e) Metaphor f) Anaphora 8) Joey (making fun of Chandler): I’m Chandler. Could I BE wearing any more clothes? a) Epistrophe b) Oxymoron c) Rhetorical question d) Simile e) Hyperbole f) Anaphora 9) For when we have faced down impossible odds, when we’ve been told we’re not ready or that we shouldn’t try or that we can’t, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation: Yes, we can. a) Epistrophe b) Oxymoron c) Rhetorical question d) Simile e) Hyperbole f) Anaphora 10) If he doesn’t call by tonight, I will absolutely die. a) Epistrophe b) Oxymoron c) Rhetorical question d) Simile e) Hyperbole f) Anaphora 11) “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” a) Parallelism  b) Metaphor c) Epistrophe d) Simile e) Euphemism f) Understatement 12) There’s some water in the Atlantic Ocean. a) Parallelism  b) Metaphor c) Epistrophe d) Simile e) Euphemism f) Understatement 13) His job is like pulling a sword out of a stone. (King Arthur Legend) a) Parallelism  b) Allusion c) Epistrophe d) Rhetorical question e) Euphemism f) Understatement 14) When God enters from the ceiling, the room is flooded with bright light. Bruce describes it as “kinda bright.” a) Parallelism  b) Allusion c) Epistrophe d) Rhetorical question e) Euphemism f) Understatement 15) Pretty as a picture a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Euphemism d) Understatement e) Parallelism f) Anaphora 16) to upchuck a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Euphemism d) Understatement e) Parallelism f) Anaphora 17) However, the mail is running unusually slow this week a) Parallelism b) Anaphora c) Epistrophe d) Understatement e) Personification f) Metaphor 18) Exact estimate a) Oxymoron b) Anaphora c) Epistrophe d) Understatement e) Personification f) Juxtaposition 19) That piece of chocolate cake is calling my name. a) Oxymoron b) Anaphora c) Epistrophe d) Understatement e) Personification f) Juxtaposition 20) I’m sick and tired of you letting me down. I’m sick and tired of you making me mad. And I’m sick and tired of you doing such silly things! things! a) Oxymoron b) Anaphora c) Epistrophe d) Understatement e) Personification f) Juxtaposition 21) Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. Don't be mad once you see that he want it. If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. a) Oxymoron b) Simile c) Parallelism d) Epistrophe e) Juxtaposition f) Personification 22) Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. a) Oxymoron b) Simile c) Parallelism d) Epistrophe e) Juxtaposition f) Personification 23) Spring break will never come. a) Hyperbole b) Personification c) Oxymoron d) Metaphor e) Simile f) Juxtaposition 24) She’s feeling under the weather today. a) Hyperbole b) Oxymoron c) Euphemism d) Simile e) Personification f) Metaphor 25) When there is no tomorrow (FedEx) a) Hyperbole b) Oxymoron c) Euphemism d) Simile e) Personification f) Metaphor


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