1) Wood impregnated with preserving and/or fire retarding chemicals under pressure.  a) Wedi’i drin dan wasgedd  b) Pren gwthio c) Bywyn d) To ar ongl 2) A push stick is used for safety reasons when guiding wood being cut through a circular saw.  a) Wedi’i drin dan wasgedd b) Uniad sgrifellog c) Bywyn d) Pren gwthio 3) A joint between two mouldings; one moulding is cut to the profile of the second. a) Holltau b) Wedi’i drin dan wasgedd c) Uniad sgrifellog d) Pren gwthio 4) Shakes are cracks in the timber which appear due to excessive heat, frost or twisting due to wind or poor nutrient content of the soil during the growth of a tree. Shakes can also be a result of seaso a) Gwyrdroad mewn hyd planc b) Holltau c) Uniad sgrifellog d) Wedi’i drin dan wasgedd 5) Is distortion along the length, while the board or plank remains flat.  a) Holltau b) Bywyn c) Cynheilio croes d) Gwyrdroad mewn hyd planc 6) Cross bracing used between floor joists to increase stiffness a) Cynheilio croes b) Ceibr cypledig c) Gwyrdroad mewn hyd planc d) Wedi’i drin dan wasgedd 7) A prefabricated truss made of light timbers joined with nail plates and used in most new domestic roofs   a) Cynheilio croes b) Cafn c) Ceibr cypledig d) Walblad 8) This is the line formed at the internal intersection of two sloping surfaces. It runs from the ridge to the eaves.  a) Cafn b) Ceibr cypledig c) Cynheilio croes d) Walblad 9) Timber along the top of the wall at eaves level that carries the rafters or joists a) Ceibr cypledig b) Gwlyb-bydredd c) Cafn d) Walblad 10) Decay of timber by fungi that attack wood having high moisture content a) Gwlyb-bydredd b) Walblad c) To cypledig d) To colerog

Carpentry - English Question, Welsh Answer Quiz 3


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