Consent - Permission for something to happen , Whistleblowing - Making a disclosure of wrongdoing, Safeguarding - The action taken to protect from harm, Harm - Injury that is deliberately inflicted, Restrictive practice - Stopping someone doing something that they want to do, Modern slavery - The recruitment, harbouring or receiving of children, women and men through the use of force, coercion and deception for the purpose of exploitation , Serious case review - Something that is carried out when someone dies or is seriously injured, and abuse or neglect are known or suspected factors in death, Safeguarding principles - Empowerment, protection, prevention, proportionality, partnerships, accountability  , Choice - Being free to make own decisions , Active participation - A way of working which supports a person to be involved in activities and or relationships within everyday life., Physical abuse - Any non-accidental physical injury , Sexual abuse - A sexual act forced upon someone without their consent, Financial abuse - Lack of money to pay bills, Domestic abuse - The act of violence that occurs between two people who have or have had an intimate relationship , Organisational abuse - The inability to provide a good level of care to a group of people or individual in a care setting ,



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