1) Money is sent back from the cities to the rural areas. a) Economic b) Social c) Social d) Environmental 2) Most of the people who are left behind in the rural areas are the elderly, women and children. a) Social b) Environmental c) Economic d) Economic 3) There are fewer farmers left in the rural areas, so the supply of food for both town and country decreases. a) Economic b) Social c) Environmental d) Economic 4) There are less people to socialise with a) Social b) Economic c) Economic d) Economic 5) Most of the migrants who move to the cities are young men so the rural areas lose workers. a) Environmental b) Social c) Social d) Economic 6) If the workers leave rural areas there are less people to pay taxes in rural areas. a) Social b) Economic c) Social d) Social 7) There are fewer customers for rural services and shops so they decline and close leading to loss of jobs and making life harder for those that remain. a) Social b) Environmental c) Economic d) Social 8) As people move away, there are less people going to school or using hospitals so the teachers have less students and doctors have less patients to they might get paid less. a) Economic b) Environmental c) Social d) Social 9) There are less workers so less money is made because there are less crops to sell. a) Social b) Social c) Economic d) Social 10) There is less investment in rural areas because the urban areas have so many demanding problems. a) Social b) Economic c) Social d) Environmental 11) There is less food produced so there is less money made in the area. a) Social b) Economic c) Environmental d) Social 12) Soil becomes poor and blows away easily because it is too overworked a) Economic b) Economic c) Environmental d) Social

Effects of urbanisation flip tiles: social, economic or environmental? 2


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