inexpensive - The train tickets didn’t cost very much. They were __________________., renew - My classmate’s student card is too old. She has to __________________ the card., inattentive - Jonny wasn’t paying attention to his teacher. He was __________________., unable - I was __________________ to go to the meeting yesterday because I as sick. I couldn’t go., impossible - It’s not possible to learn a new language in just one day. It’s __________________., unhealthy - Smoking isn’t good for your body. It’s very __________________., unfinished - The company’s annual report is __________________. I have to finish it by tomorrow., reheat - Our dinner is cold. Let’s put it into the microwave and __________________ it., reinjured - I played football too soon after I hurt my leg, so I think I’ve __________________ my leg.,

Adv. 3 - adjectives with prefixes


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