Adelgazar/perder peso - To lose weight, La alimentación - nutrition, Los alimentos - food, Aumentar de peso - to gain weight, Aliviar el estrés   - to reduce stress / tensi, El bienestar - well-being, El calambre - cramp, Calentar(se) - to warm up, Caerse de sueño - to be very sleepy/tired, La comida chatarra - junk food, Desarrollar - to develop, Entrenar(se) - to train, Estirar(se) = to stretch  - to stretch, Estar en buena / mala forma - = to be in good/ bad shape, Evitar - to avoid, Equilibrado/a - balanced, Flexionar - to flex, La fibra - fiber, La grasa / grasoso - fat / fatty, El hábito alimenticio - eating habit, Hacer abdominales - to do sit ups, Hacer lagartijas - to do push ups, Hacer cinta - the treadmill, Levantar pesas - lift weights, LLevar una vida sana / saludable  - to lead a healthy life style, Mantenerse en forma - to stay in shape, La merienda - snack, el sobrepeso - overweight, vacio - empty, Valer la pena - to be worth it,


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