major - a music key that sounds happy, genre - a category of music, gig - a concert, venue - a place where a concert is held, piece of music - another word for a song or a composition, equipment - the necessary items for a particular purpose, tour - journey made by performers or, in which they perform in several different places, encore - an extra song at the end of a concert, lyrics - the words of a song, audience - the people listening to a concert, duet - a performance by two musicians, chorus - another word for "refrain", amplifier - electronic device which causes sounds to get louder, conductor - stands in front of an orchestra or choir and directs its performance, compose - to write music, catchy - attractive and easy to remember, rhythmic - sound has a regular movement or beat that is repeated, review - someone gives their opinion of something such as a new book or film, national anthem - a nation's official song, accompany - to sing or play an instrument with another musician or singe, applause - the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands, intermission - a break between the parts of a performance, hymn - a religious song, arrangement - a piece of music is changed so that it is suitable for particular voices or instruments, or for a particular performance, bagpipes - a typically Scottish instrument, improvise - to create music without practicing firs, audition - a short performance so that a director can decide if they are good enough to be in a performance, gentle - calm, kind, or soft; not violent or severe, uplifting - inspirational, encouraging, offering hope, piercing - loud or shrill, as the quality of a voice,

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