1) _________ was a scholar of optics and showed how light travels and produces images. a) al-Qadi al-Nu'man b) Ibn al-Haytham c) Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani 2) Al-Kirmani was a da'i and a philosopher a) Yes b) No c) May be 3) Ibn al-Haytham developed the _____________. a) Telescope b) Microscope c) Camera Obscura 4) In his teachings, al-Kirmani emphasized __________ and ___________. a) money and slavery b) peace and freedom c) ilm and amal d) All of the above 5) Al-Qadi al-Nu'man was ___________. a) Cheif da'i b) Chief judge c) both d) none 6) Under Imam al-Mustansir bi'llah, the borders of the Fatimid Empire extended from North Africa and Egypt to Arabia and Syria. a) True b) False c) Unsure d) e) 7) Al-Mu'ayyad al-Shirazi was praised by the Imam for his ____________. a) grace b) beauty c) quick grasp of da'wa's branches of knowledge d) eloquence e) both c and d f) both a and b 8) Nasir Khusraw wrote the __________ a) Akbarnama b) Siyasatnama c) Safarnama d) Humayunama


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