1) Who is Luuke Skywalker? a) The clone of Luke Skywaker. b) A Stormtrooper. c) A toy store owner. d) A smuggler. e) A crime lord. f) A Kowakian monkey lizard. 2) What is a T-65 X-wing? a) A speeder. b) A submarine. c) The main fighting vehicle of the Rebel Alliance. d) A hurriedly designed ship that is easily made and has no shields.nd  3) Who is Darth Vader? a) A Jedi. b) A Sith lord. c) The owner of Lucasfilm. d) Someone in a crowd scene. e) An Imperial Grand Admiral. 4) What is an Imperial Star Destroyer? a) A large Superweapon with the power to destroy planets. b) A small Starfighter with two large, flat wings and a spherical cockpit. c) An imposing dagger-shaped star cruiser. d) A powerful person wielding a red double bladed lightsaber. 5) What is the Force? a) An invisible force that Jedi use to move things. b) A powerful life force of creation that flows through all living things, though some have learned how to harness it and can use it at their will. c) A Starship manufacturer. 6) What is a TIE fighter? a) A powerful Force user. b) A small, fast rebel alliance ship. c) A small Starfighter with two large, flat wings and a spherical cockpit. 7) Who is Yoda? a) A powerful Jedi. b) A wise old alien. c) A puppet. d) A Sith e) A young, dumb, human. f) An actor 8) Who is Yoda? a) A powerful Jedi. b) A wise old alien. c) A puppet. d) A Sith e) A young, dumb, human. f) An actor 9) When does Star Wars take place? a) The future. b) The '60's. c) A long time ago. 10) Where does star wars take place? a) Futurion b) Metropolis c) A galaxy far, far, away. d) A hot dog stand.

Star Wars Quiz #1


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