1) When you go out, you _____ use the mask a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 2) When you go to a Primark, you _____ steal clothes a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 3) On the street at night, you _____ use your mobile phone a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 4) If you want to get good grades, you _____ do all your homework a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 5) If you hear a fight in your neighbourhood, you _____ call the police a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 6) You _____ be silent, when you are in class a) mustn´t b) must c) SHOULD d) shouldn´t 7) You _____ go to a party in these times of pandemic a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 8) You _____ wear a sweater in winter a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 9) You _____ dye your hair light green a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t 10) You _____ drink a lot of alcohol in a party a) mustn´t b) must c) should d) shouldn´t

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