1) The Gravedigger states that'Age with his stealing steps hath........... a) 'clawed me in his clutch' b) 'clawed me in its jaws' c) 'chewed me in his jaws' d) 'churned me in his stomach' e) 'ravaged me with his sickle' f) 'pummelled me with his fist' 2) 'Chapless' refers to a lack of a) head b) feet c) jaw d) teeth e) dignity f) emotion 3) 'Is not parchment made of....... a) sheepskin b) lambskin c) pigskin d) wood e) squirrel skin f) partridge skin 4) How long has the Gravedigger been in his current role? a) For 10 years b) For 25 years c) For 30 years d) For 2 years e) For 45 years f) For 15 years 5) Who is to be buried in the grave? a) Yorick b) Ophelia c) Polonius d) Old Hamlet e) Laertes f) Rosencratz 6) Yorrick once did the following to the Gravedigger: a) Tripped him up into a mound of dirt. b) Poured wine over his head. c) Ridiculed his livelihood . d) Threw a bucket of water at him. e) Questioned his masculity. f) Challenged him to a duel. 7) Hamlet describes Yorick as.... a) 'a fellow of sporadic humour'. b) 'a fellow of immense mirth'. c) 'a fellow of infinite jest'. d) 'a fellow of fruitful funniness'. e) 'a fellow of indescribable irksomeness'. f) 'a fellow fond of fancies'. 8) Hamlet describes the 'Imperious Caesar, as 'dead and turned to.....' a) hay b) clay c) whey d) dirt e) dust f) cork 9) Hamlet describes loving Ophelia more than a) 'sixty thousand sisters'. b) 'fifty thousand fathers' c) 'forty thousand brothers'. d) 'thirty thousand uncles'. e) 'many, many mothers'. f) 'eighty thousand aunts'. 10) Complete the quotation 'Let Hercules himself do what he may, a) 'The rat will run the mouse will have its day. b) The worm will rise the bird will have its day. c) The fish will flounder the cat will have its prey. d) The beast will bow the hunter snares its prey. e) The cat will mew and dog will have its day. f) The hare will fail, the tortoise win, hooray.

Hamlet Act 5, Scene 1


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