1) Come si dice il verbo "buy" al simple past? a) buyed b) boy c) bay d) bought e) buied f) buyd 2) Come si dice il verbo "Be" al simple past? a) bed b) beed c) boed d) bos e) was/were f) what/why 3) Traduci "ieri sono andato al cinema" a) Tomorow I go to the cinema. b) One day ago I go to the beach. c) Yesterday I went to the cafè. d) One day ago I go to the cinema. e) Tomorrow I went to the cinema. f) Yesterday I went to the cinema. 4) Come si dice il verbo "eat" al simple past? a) eated b) eot c) oat d) ate e) hot f) hate 5) Come si dice il verbo "drink" al simple past? a) drank b) drinkem c) linked d) drenk e) drinked f) drink

Ripassa i verbi irregolari al simple past divertendoti!!!


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