1) How do we add turtle commands to Python? a) import turtle b) add turtle c) new turtle d) export turtle e) include turtle f) exclude turtle 2) How do we make a new turtle in Python? a) tina = turtle.Turtle() b) tina = turtle.new() c) tina = turtle.turtle d) tina = new(turtle) e) tina = turtle 3) How do we make our turtle blue? a) tina.colour(blue) b) tina.color("blue") c) tina.color(blue) d) tina.colour("blue") e) tina = color(blue) f) tina = blue 4) How do we make our turtle start drawing? a) tina.pendown() b) tina.penup() c) tina.draw() d) tina.shape() e) tina.line() 5) How do we make our turtle write text? a) tina.write("hello") b) tina.print("hello") c) tina.ouput("hello") d) tina.text("hello") e) tina.words("hello") 6) How many degrees do we need to turn each time when we draw a square? a) 60 b) 90 c) 45 d) 72 e) 51 f) 120 7) How may degrees do we turn through each time to draw a pentagon? a) 60 b) 90 c) 45 d) 72 e) 51 f) 120 8) How may degrees do we turn through each time to draw a triangle? a) 60 b) 90 c) 45 d) 72 e) 51 f) 120

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