1) nabiał a) dairy foods b) boil c) add d) burn 2) powinieneś a) hard b) liquid c) burn d) should 3) mniej a) need to b) stir c) dairy foods d) less 4) płyn a) liquid b) must c) don't have to d) dairy foods 5) nie wolno a) mustn't b) liquid c) boil d) don't need to 6) musieć a) cocoa beans  b) must c) stir d) don't have to 7) potrzebować a) need to b) should c) hard d) don't need to 8) nie potrzebować a) less b) don't need to c) liquid d) chop 9) nie musieć a) fry b) mustn't c) hard d) don't have to 10) mieszać a) need to b) boil c) spots d) stir 11) twardy a) hard b) need to c) less d) slice 12) dodwać a) add b) fry c) liquid d) roast 13) siekać a) chop b) need to c) don't have to d) should 14) piec (mięso) w piekarniku a) roast b) cocoa beans  c) add d) burn 15) kroić na plasterki a) chop b) less c) slice d) add 16) gotować w wodzie a) hard b) chop c) less d) boil 17) przypalić a) burn b) liquid c) roast d) boil 18) smażyć a) hard b) boil c) don't have to d) fry 19) krostki, wysypka a) fry b) cocoa beans  c) hard d) spots 20) ziarna kakaowca a) stir b) cocoa beans  c) don't need to d) spots 21) Would you like to try chocolate ants? :) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 22) Would you like to try chocolate pizza? :) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 23) Would you like to try fried spiders?:) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 24) Would you like to try cooked snails ?:) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 25) Would you like to try an octopus ?:) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 26) Would you like to try chocolate soup ?:) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED 27) Would you like to try meat in chcolate :) a) Yes, why not?! b) No way, it's disgusting! c) CLICK HERE TO PROCEED


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