1) For authors and speakers to make a persuasive argument, their work must have a clear thesis or purpose, sufficient evidence supporting the thesis, a logical and progressive organization, and, importantly, an effective style. a) true b) False 2) A comparison between two unlike things that is explored in depth. a) metaphor b) extended metaphor c) simile  3) A brief reference to a famous person or event—often from literature, history, Greek myth, or the Bible. a) allusion  b) extended metaphor c) simile  4) the repetition of words or phrases to build to a climax or add emphasis a) allusion b) anaphora c) extended metaphor 5) a comparison using like or as a) metaphor b) simile c) hyperbole 6) a comparison without using like or as a) metaphor b) simile c) hyperbole  7) a question asked for effect, not requiring an answer a) rhetorical question b) not a real question c) a dumb question 8) an appeal to logic made by offering reasonable and sound evidence to support an argument. a) logos b) ethos c) pathos 9) an appeal to emotion. a) logos b) ethos c) pathos 10) an appeal to ethics made by establishing credibility and trust. a) logos b) ethos c) pathos 11) What is the writer’s or speaker’s position on a debatable issue or problem defined as? a) claim/thesis b) conclusion c) rhetorical devices 12) King references the Emancipation Proclamation and Constitution in his speech. That is an example of an __________. a) personification b) allusion c) anaphora 13) What is the purpose of King using repetition in his speech? a) To portray what he envisions as a racially equal America. b) To illustrate the urgency to fight c) To invoke an emotional response from the crowd 14) Name the device used in the following sentence: "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice." a) allusion b) anaphora c) extended metaphor 15) When did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech? a) During the Montgomery Bus Boycott b) At a protest in Memphis, Tennessee c) At the March on Washington in 1963 16) What is the overall tone in the "I Have A Dream" Speech? a) determination  b) light-hearted  c) sad 17) King was supposed to speak for four minutes, but he spoke for over 16. a) true b) false 18) King had not planned on giving the speech that day; it was impromptu. a) true b) false 19) What is the use of Anaphora important in MLK's speech? a) To create a rhythm, heighten emotion, and add emphasis to make the message easier to remember. b) to bore the audience  c) to highlight the difference between how things are and how he hopes they will be. d) both A and C 20) Is the performance assessment a six weeks exam? a) yes b) no

MLK's Speech /Rhetorical Devices


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