1) If I won the lottery, ... a) I will buy a car. b) I would buy a car. c) I won't buy a car. d) I bought a car. 2) If I could have one superpower, ... a) I would be giant. b) I fly. c) I flying. d) I would fly. 3) If my John were mean to me, ... a) I would be his friend. b) I won't be his friend. c) I wouldn't be his friend.. d) I like chicken. 4) School would close if ...   a) people were sad. b) it snows. c) snowy weather. d) it snowed again . 5) If I were you, ... a) I would go outside! b) I wouldn't have fun! c) I would stay at home! d) he would stay at house! 6) He wishes he... a) was shorted. b) is taller. c) were taller. d) were longer. 7) I wish i.... a) had one million pounds. b) haved one million pounds. c) is rich. d) was poor. 8) I wish I... a) can travel. b) can't travel. c) could voyaged. d) could travel. 9) They wish they... a) wasn't sick b) aren't sick c) weren't sick d) was sick 10) If I ___ 3 wishes, I _____ ____ for more wishes. a) Had, would wish b) Haved, will wish c) had, will wish d) Had, won't have

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