1) Which scientist created the classification system for living organisms? a) Marie Curie b) Issac Newton c) Carl Linnaeus d) Charles Darwin 2) Which of the following is not a class of vertebrate? a) Mammals b) Birds c) Insects d) Fish 3) If you were creating a classification branching key for vertebrates which of the following questions would separate reptiles from amphibians? a) Do they lay eggs? b) Are they cold-blooded? c) Do they have a backbone? d) Do they have dry, scaly and hard skin? 4) What does classification mean? a) Grouping similar organisms together b) Observing living organisms under a microscope c) Randomly grouping living organisms in order to investigate their characteristics? d) Creating a classroom display of the results in an investigation 5) What is a feature of ALL invertebrates? a) An animal with wings b) An animal without a skeleton c) An animal without a backbone d) An animal with six legs 6) Which of the following is not an invertebrate? a) spider b) millipede c) snake d) earthworm 7) Which of the following is a characteristic of ALL insects? a) They have an exoskeleton b) They have 6 legs c) Their body is split into parts d) They have a backbone. 8) The plant kingdom is divided into two important groups. What are they? a) Grasses and trees b) Green plants and non-green plants c) Flowering and non-flowering plants d) Coniferous and deciduous plant 9) Why do some flowering plants have bright-coloured petals? a) So they look the best b) To attract people c) To attract insects d) To attract the sun and rain 10) Which one of these classification questions would help you seperate moss from a buttercup? a) Is it green? b) Does it reproduce with seeds? c) Is it living? d) Is it a type of plant?


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