____ Peter was driving home, he saw an accident.  ____ I was making the cake, the dog came into the room. Thomas was trying to mend his car ____ his sister was  watching him. ____ the doorbell rang, I was having a shower. Michael was playing videogames ____ Sarah came in. Nadia spoke four languages ____ he started primary school. My children were napping ____ I phoned my family. I was staring at my friend's face ____ I was speaking with her. ____ I called home, my brother picked up the phone. ____ the men were out working in the field, I helped with milking the cows. ____ he was working, he often listened to music. He was walking back home ____ he heard someone screaming. I eat ice cream ____ I am on holiday. We spent long evenings talking  ____ he played the guitar. ____ I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.

While - When I


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