Someone dies, A goose appears, A terrible storm is moving inTime for a natural disaster. Storm, flood, fire, earthquake, avalanche... Send your characters scrambling., Someone reveals they are from the future!, A twin is revealed., An unexpected gift brings chaos., Your characters have to escape into a garden... Which, it turns out, is full of something other than flowers and plants., Just when they couldn't slow down, your characters get caught in a local celebration, festival, or holiday., Whatever problem your characters are facing, they cure it with salt water: sweat, or tears, or the sea., Someone falls: through the flooring, through the ice, into quicksand, through the stairs. Wherever they are, the ground gives way., It was the last thing they ever expected to find in the kitchen., Your character is locked in a prison of some kind. The only way to get the key is by singing., Someone important to the action is poisoned..


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