1) Sally: There's no milk in the fridge! Betty: Oh. I_______ get some from the shop. a) will b) 'm going to 2) The population of Valencia __________ be 2 million by the year 2050.  a) will b) is going to 3) Mum: I told you to tidy up your room. Son: Sorry, Mum, I forgot. I__________ do it after lunch. a) will b) 'm going to 4) Sally: Why don't we meet for coffee on Friday morning? Willy: Sorry. I can't. I__________ see the doctor then. a) will b) 'm going to 5) 'Tomorrow __________be a bright and sunny day everywhere in Spain" said the weatherman.  a) it will b) it's going to 6) Look at that big black cloud. It ___________ rain.  a) will b) 's going to 7) Sally: What are your plans for the weekend? Betty: Brad phoned. We___________ hike in the mountains. a) will b) 're going to 8) Betty: Have you already bought the tickets? Sally: Don't worry. It’s all organized. I___________ visit the travel agent's tomorrow morning. a) will b) 'm going to 9) In the future people __________ have bigger heads. a) will b) are going to 10) Next month I ___________ buy a DVD player. I’m saving money for it. a) will b) 'm going to 11) When _____________________ have another party?  a) will you b) are you going to 12) I think I ______________ live abroad. a) will b) 'm going to


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