1) John is a very ....... man. He always tells the same stories. a) bored b) boring 2) Kate is ........ because she lost her best friend. a) depressed b) depressing 3) The exhibition is the most ...... I've seen in my life. a) amazed b) amazing 4) Is your son ........ in canoeing? a) interesting b) interested 5) It was such an exciting movie! I am really ........ . a) impressed b) impressive 6) Your knowledge and education is ....... . a) impressing b) impressive c) impressed 7) interest - interesting, amaze - amazing, offend -....... a) offending b) offened c) offensive 8) bore - boring, scare - ......... a) scaring b) scary c) scared 9) I had a ...... day. There wasn't even time to eat anything! a) stressful b) stressing c) stressed 10) Don't mess with Ronaldo! He's the most ...... person in this departament. a) deciding b) decisive 11) This is very ...... factor. Think twice before you decide. a) deciding b) decided 12) My date was a complete disaster :( I was so ......... because I forgot Helen's name. a) embarassing b) embarassed 13) Mike is ....... with his new job and a brilliant perspective for future. a) satisfied b) satisfying 14) This bread is stale. I'm ...... with this restaurant . a) disgusting b) disgusted 15) This stale sandwich is ........ . a) disgusting b) disgusted 16) He has ........ payment but he'd like to earn more. a) satisfying b) satisfied

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