1) We ......protect the wild life. a) should b) shouldn't 2) We ........cut down trees. a) should b) shouldn't 3) We ......harm habitat of wild animals. a) should b) shouldn't 4) We .......pollute the environment. a) should b) shouldn't 5) We ......plant more trees. a) should b) shouldn't 6) We ......save energy. a) should b) shouldn't 7) We ......stop global warming. a) should b) shouldn't 8) We .....keep the rivers/seas/ oceans clean. a) should b) shouldn't 9) We ...... hunt wild animals. a) should b) shouldn't 10) We .....protect the environment. a) should b) shouldn't 11) We .......put the animals in cages. a) should b) shouldn't

Should Shouldn't


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