1) Neha is in the desert and she likes to ride on a a) Bear b) Camel c) Giraffe d) Cow e) Horse f) Donkey 2) I can live more than 150 years a) Deer b) Lion c) Rabbit d) Parrot e) Tortoise f) Giraffe 3) I can walk, I can run, but I cannot jump a) Dog b) Monkey c) Elephant d) Cat e) Kangaroo f) Rhinoceros 4) I have scales on my body, who am I? a) Zebra b) Alligator c) Tiger d) Deer e) Jaguar f) Tortoise 5) I'm the tallest animal in the world a) Camel b) Elephant c) Bear d) Horse e) Giraffe f) Snake 6) I live in the Polar region a) Cheetah b) Seagul c) Wolf d) Horse e) Fox f) Penguin 7) I am the king of the forest and I have a) Spikes b) Scales c) Spots d) Mane e) Wings f) Hump 8) I live in the shed and you make shoes and belt from my skin. a) Cat b) Horse c) Fox d) Dog e) Cow f) Pig 9) I give egg and meat, and I can swim a) Rabbit b) Hen c) Duck d) Ostrich e) Cat f) Parrot 10) Ram has a pet dog and it fell sick, he needs to take him to a a) Teacher b) Carpenter c) Librarian d) Engineer e) Veterinarian f) Butcher


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