1) شاعر  a) poet b) poem c) poetry d) food e) powerade f) water 2) مغني a) song b) singer c) choice d) love e) food f) animals 3) اسمه الادبي a) stage b) time c) art d) math e) science f) singer  4) اسطورة a) legend b) stage c) singer d) poet e) poem f) food 5) القى a) to recited b) legend c) singer d) poet e) department f) invited 6) عزف a) to recited b) legend c) department d) playing on instrument e) stage f) lesson 7) قصيدة a) poem b) poet c) playing on instrument d) food e) stage f) legend 8) وطنية a) national b) poem c) poetry d) stage e) legend f) love 9) نال a) national b) to win c) poem d) department e) animals f) legend 10) اعجاب a) national b) department c) poem d) animals e) admiration f) playing instrument 11) جمهرية a) department b) republic c) admiration d) instrument e) playing f) animals 12) دولة a) state b) country c) department d) playing e) instrument f) republic 13) ارسل a) house b) state c) send d) country e) republic f) instrument 14) تكررت a) frequently invited b) send c) state d) republic e) send f) instrument 15) تخرج a) frequently invited b) send c) republic d) graduate e) food f) money 16) قسم a) department b) frequently invited c) republic d) money e) graduate f) send


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