P1-SOCIO _ECO DIVISION- Economic crisis (unemployment/hyperinflation/divisions) - PEEAA+: Firstly, it is undeniable that social and economic problems were very important in explaining why the Fascists came into power., At the end of WW1 Italy faced very severe economic problems. By 1919, unemployment had risen to two million as soldiers returned from the front in search for jobs while hyperinflation was rampant., This caused major divisions, in particular between those who had benefited from the war and those who had fought and were left with nothing., People blamed government incompetence for failing to deal with the crises and this led to support for radical movements such as the fascist and communist parties., However, at first, this anger benefited the radical left wing parties more than the fascists. Indeed, during the Biennio Rosso (1919-20), Italy seemed on the verge of socialist revolution., P1- SOCIO ECO DIVISION - Part 2- Bienno Rosso and the actions of the Fascists EAA+: Events of the Bienno Rosso also helped the Fascists, as Mussolini utilised the social crisis to show their party as ‘men of action’ and strike breakers., This gained him a lot of support from the middle and upper classes who were terrified of a communist revolution., It also meant support from the Church, who feared ‘godless’ communism, and helped convincing those in the working class who were afraid to compromise their faith for their political beliefs,



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