vain - always looks at himself or herself in any mirror he or she passes, conscientious - takes care to do things carefully and correctly, open-minded - is prepared to accept new ideas, eccentric - other people often find him or her unusual, reserved - doesn't say what he or she really thinks, well-balanced - emotionally in control, not moody, stubborn - never changes his or her opinion even when they are wrong, assertive - expresses his or her opinion with confidence, cheerful - is always in a good mood, insecure - isn't very sure about himself/herself, ambitious - determined to be successful, be as hard as nails - be extremely tough and aggressive, be a bit of a cold fish - a person who seems unemotional, which makes them appear unfriendly, be a pain in the neck - someone or something that is very annoying, have(has) a heart of gold - they are very good and kind to other people., be good at keeping his/her head in a crisis - be able to think and rationally in a tough situation,

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