"Be" in french is the verb... - être, "Have" in french is the verb... - avoir, "Manger" is an... - er- verb , "Danser" using the pronoun "You" becomes... - Tu danses , "Nager" using the pronoun "I" becomes... - Je nage, "Je suis" means... - I am, "You are" means... - Tu es , "Il/Elle/On est" means... - She/He is, "We are" means... - Nous sommes, "Vous êtes" means... - You are (plural form), "Ils/Elles sont" means... - They are , "J'ai" means... - I have, "You have" means... - Tu as , "Il/Elle/On a" means... - She/He/It has, "We have" means - Nous avons, "You have" (plural form) means... - Vous avez, "Ils/Elles avont" means... - They have, "Partir" is an... - ir- verb, "Finish" using the pronoun "She" becomes... - Elle fini , "Prendre" is an... - re- verb , "Entendre" using the pronoun "We" becomes... - Nous entendons , "Sortir" using the pronoun "You" (plural form) becomes... - Vous sortez, "Trouver" using the pronoun "Ils" becomes... - Ils trouvent,

The present tense


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