Correct: Stalin was the leader of the USSR, Chairman Mao was the leader of China, Truman was the leader of the USA, Kim il Sung was the leader of North Korea, Syngman Rhee was the leader of South Korea, Truman wanted to stop the spread of communism in Asia, Kim il Sung wanted Stalin's permission before starting any war, Mao and Kim il Sung were allies (friends), Stalin and Kim il Sung were allies (friends), Truman withdrew US troops from South Korea in 1950, China gave military supplies to North Korea, Incorrect: Stalin was the leader of the USA, Chairman Mao was the leader of North Korea, Truman was the leader of the USSR, Kim il Sung was the leader of South Korea, Syngman Rhee was the leader of North Korea , Truman wanted countries in Asia to become communist, Kim il Sung didn't care what Stalin thought about war, Mao and Syngman Rhee were allies (friends), Stalin and Truman were allies (friends), Truman sent more troops to South Korea in 1950, China gave military supplies to South Korea,


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