First Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed, Active site - Site on an enzyme where catalysis occurs, Activators and Inhibitors - Activates or inactivates an enzyme at an allosteric site, Enzyme-substrate complex - Forms when the enzyme and substrate join by weak interactions, Entropy - Measure of disorder/randomness, Allosteric regulation - Regulation by binding to a separate site on enzyme, Enzyme - Macromolecule that acts as catalyst, Exergonic - Reaction that releases free energy, Catabolic - Breakdown pathways, Cofactors - Inorganic helpers for catalytic activity, Temperature and pH - May affect an enzymes function, Feedback inhibition - Metabolic pathway shut down by end product, Energy of activation - Initial investment of energy to start a reaction, Competitive inhibitor - Blocks substrate from binding to active site, Cooperativity - One substrate primes enzyme to act more readily on more substrate, Substrate - The reactant an enzyme acts on, Metabolic pathway - Specific molecule is altered in a series of defined steps resulting in a product, Anabolic - Build up/biosynthetic pathways, Second Law of Thermodynamics - Every energy transfer increases entropy, Endergonic - Reaction that stores free energy, Coenzymes - Organic cofactors like vitamins, ATP - Energy molecule that powers cellular work, Induced-fit model - Active site fits snugly around substrate, Non-competitive inhibitor - Binds to a site other than active and causes enzyme to change shape,

Metabolism/Enzyme Review


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