1) She hasn't got straight hair. ______ hair is curly. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) my f) your 2) This family has got seven dogs. ______ dogs are very big. a) your b) her c) their d) our e) my f) his 3) She hasn't got blue glasses.______ glasses are red. a) her b) our c) their d) his e) my f) your 4) This family has got a car. _____ car is small and red. a) our b) her c) your d) his e) my f) their 5) That boy has got a cat. _____ cat is so cute. a) her b) our c) his d) your e) my f) their 6) We love bikes. ______ bikes are black and yellow. a) their b) her c) your d) my e) our f) his 7) We haven't got a hamster. We have got a guinea pig. ______ guinea pig is sweet. a) our b) my c) their d) his e) her f) your 8) I love ______ house. It's very big. a) our b) her c) their d) your e) my f) his 9) She loves this room. _____ room is green. a) their b) her c) his d) our e) your f) my


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