1) the path of energy from the sun to a producer to an animal to another animal a) producers b) decomposers c) carnivores d) food chain 2) organisms that make their own food a) decomposers b) prey c) producers d) herbivores 3) animals that eat other organisms a) prey b) consumers c) carnivores d) herbivores 4) animals that eat only plants a) herbivores b) predators c) consumers d) food web 5) animals that eat only other animals a) carnivores b) consumers c) omnimores d) herbivores 6) organisms that feed on dead plants and animals, as well as animal wastes a) prey b) food chain c) decomposers d) producers 7) animals that hunt other animals for food a) predators b) decomposers c) consumers d) producers 8) animals that are hunted by predators a) producers b) prey c) consumers d) food chain 9) animals that eat both plants and animals a) food web b) omnimores c) producers d) consumers 10) a group of overlapping food chains a) decomposers b) food web c) omnimores d) herbivores

Food Chains & Food Webs Vocabulary


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