1) Where is Fred? He's at ____ leisure centre.   a) a b) the c) an d) - 2) Mont Blanc is ____ highest mountain in France a) a b) an c) the d) - 3) We've got ____ new pet. It's a cat a) a b) an c) - d) the 4) ______ biggest sea isn't as big as an ocean. a) - b) A c) An d) The 5) Where is Hong Kong? It's in_____ Asia. a) a b) an c) the d) - 6) Which river is in London? It's _____ Thames. a) a b) an c) the d) - 7) Who is ____ boy Mark is talking to? a) a b) an c) - d) the 8) My mum is ______ nurse. a) an b) a c) the d) - 9) Oh! I've left my notebook at ___ home. a) a b) an c) the d) - 10) Did you like _____ book I gave you for your birthday? a) - b) the c) a d) an 11) _____children behaved very badly yesterday. a) - b) the c) a d) an 12) What time do you finish ______work? a) - b) the c) a d) an 13) She doesn't like ______ dogs. a) - b) the c) a d) an 14) Can you pass ______ sugar, please? a) - b) the c) a d) an 15) Is James in _____ office today? a) - b) the c) a d) an



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