1) What is a plot? a) the main character b) made up of a problem, events, solution c) the problem of the story 2) What is a problem? a) a setting of a story b) a word part c) something a character in a story wants to fix d) the main idea of a selection 3) What is a solution? a) a text feature b) the way a problem is solved c) a word with several meanings d) the genre realistic fiction 4) What is a prefix? a) letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning b) letters added to the end of a word to change the meaning c) a base word d) a caption below a photograph 5) What is a suffix? a) letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning b) a root word c) past tense of a verb d) letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning 6) What is a context clue? a) a photograph b) a synonym c) clues that readers use to determine its meaning d) a definition found in the glossary 7) What is a multiple meaning word? a) a word that sounds the same but is spelled more than one way b) a text feature c) a prefix d) a word with more than one definition or meaning 8) What is a text feature? a) a paragraph b) the plot of the story c) a context clue d) information that helps the reader understand what they are reading, such as a caption 9) What is cause? a) the reason why something happened b) the result c) a conclusion d) the title of a story 10) What is an effect? a) the reason why something happened b) italicized print c) what happened; the result d) a photograph


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