1) We ... red bikes. a) have got b) has got 2) She ... long hair. a) have got b) has got 3) I ... a radio. a) have got b) has got 4) He ... two balloons. a) have got b) has got 5) It ... long ears. a) have got b) has got 6) You ... a horse. a) have got b) has got 7) They ... apples. a) have got b) has got 8) We ... a computer. a) have got b) has got 9) He ... a watch. a) have got b) has got 10) We ... blue jackets. a) have got b) has got 11) It ... a long tail. a) have got b) has got 12) She ... a red hat. a) have got b) has got 13) They ... new bags. a) have got b) has got 14) You ... a pen. a) have got b) has got 15) I ... some oranges. a) have got b) has got 16) She ... pencils. a) have got b) has got


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