1) My parents _____________ a new pair of trainers for my birthday. a) buy b) buyed c) bought 2) I _____________ to school yesterday. a) go b) going c) went 3) They _____dinner at 7 p.m last night. a) eat b) ate c) eating 4) They_________ a home last year. a) build b) buy c) built 5) A baby _______to the hospital yesterday. a) coming b) come c) came 6) Baby cow______ milk last month. a) drank b) drink c) drinking 7) My best friend ________________ her homework yesterday morning. a) do b) did c) doing 8) I _______________ my bedroom last weekend. a) stayed b) stay c) staying 9) I _______ my hair last week. a) cutted b) cutting c) cut 10) They______happy at the fun fair last weekend. a) felt b) feel c) feeling 11) Emma________a fever last night. a) have b) had c) having 12) I_________ a cake last weekend. a) make b) making c) made 13) My grandfather_________ newspaper yesterday morning. a) readed b) read c) reading 14) We ______ a baby turtle at the picnic last weekend. a) saw b) see c) seeing 15) The boy_________ with her mother yesterday. a) sleeping b) slept c) sleep 16) Ducks________ in the river yesterday. a) swimming b) swam c) swim 17) My mom ________ a bottle two days ago. a) took b) take c) taking 18) My dad _______from home last year. a) work b) working c) worked 19) They_______chess yesterday. a) playing b) played c) play 20) She______to learn English last week. a) tried b) trying c) try 21) He _______ his friend three days ago. a) helping b) help c) helped 22) My teacher_______ to my mom at the meeting last week. a) talk b) talked c) talking 23) She___________help yesterday. a) needed b) need c) needs 24) My brother ______ to school last month. a) started b) start c) starting 25) He ___________ the taste of sushi yesterday. a) likes b) like c) liked 26) She ____________TV last night. a) watched b) watch c) watching 27) I__________math in high school. a) hating b) hate c) hated 28) We_________in the forest 2 days ago. a) walked b) walk c) walking 29) Baby _________her eyes at the hospital yesterday. a) opening b) opened c) open 30) Muhammed Ali ________ in 2016. a) died b) die c) dying 31) She_____ to be a pilot in Kindergarten but she is a teacher now. a) want b) wanted c) wanting

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