1) A written language developed by the Aryans a) Sanskrit b) Brahmin c) Hieroglyphics d) varnas 2) Rigid social categories that determine each person's position in Indian society a) Caste System b) reincarnation c) dharma d) Hinduism 3) the belief that a person's soul is reborn in a different form after death a) varnas b) reincarnation c) Buddhism d) dharma 4) the top position in the social hierarchy of India a) pharaoh b) king c) Brahmin d) Sanskrit 5) The four major social classes in Aryan society a) varnas b) dharma c) Brahmin d) Hinduism 6) divine law that requires people to do their duty a) varnas b) reincarnation c) dharma d) Buddhism 7) major religious system of India. Many gods and goddesses are worshipped-most important is Brahma a) Hinduism b) Buddhism c) Judaism d) Christianity 8) Religion-based on the teachings of Siddartha Gautama a) Buddhism b) Hinduism c) Judaism d) Christianity


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