1) They ... tennis. a) play b) plays 2) My brother ... fast. a) run b) runs 3) I ... in winter. a) skate b) skates 4) My uncle ... well. a) swim b) swims 5) My baby ...  a) cry b) cries 6) Susie and Sophie ... English. a) learn b) learns 7) She ... TV. a) watch b) watchs c) watches 8) My sister... her room. a) tidy b) tidys c) tidies 9) My parents ... at school. a) work b) works c) workes 10) I ... ice cream. a) like b) likes c) likees 11) She ... a glass of orange juice. a) drink b) drinkes c) drinks 12) He ... at the disco. a) dance b) dancs c) dances 13) We ... at restaurants. a) eat b) eats c) eaties 14) It ... in the evening. a) rain b) rains c) raines


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