a fork - We use ..... to pick up our food., a cup - I often have ..... of tea in the morning., a frying pan - We fry food in ..... ., a bowl - We eat soup from ..... ., a plate - We serve food on ..... ., a knife - We use ..... to cut meat, vegetables, etc., a board - We put vegetables on ..... to cut them., peel - We ..... the skin off the potatoes before cooking them., spread - We ..... mayonnaise on the bread to make a sandwich., heat up - We ..... food when it's too cold to eat., add - We ..... salt and pepper to make food tasty., slice - You ..... two pieces of bread for a sandwich., a pot - We cook soup in ..... ., recipes - You find ..... in a cookery book.,

Rep. Macmillan Unit 6 - complete the sentences


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