amazing - wonderful, surprising, disappear - to stop being visible, magic - to use tricks or supernatural forces to create things, make-believe - imaginary or pretend, make up - to create a story that is not true , notebook - a book with pages for writing or drawing, shoelace - a string that holds a shoe tightly on the foot, trunk - the long flexible nose of an elephant, adult - fully grown or developed, butterfly - a long thin insect with a large colorful wings, caterpillar - a long worm-like animal that will become a butterfly, egg - a round or oval thing that will produce an insect, fish, reptile or bird, leaf - a flat, green part of a plant, life cycle - the stages in the life of a creature, such as egg, caterpillar, adult, pupa - a stage in an insect's life when it transforms from a larva or caterpillar into an adult, stage - a step in a process,

Reading Log- Topic 7- What Could I Do When I was Small?


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