A lawyer - helps people with legal problems., A Nurse - works in a hospital and looks after sick people., A GP Doctor - works in a surgery and finds out why a person is sick., a checkout operator - works at a shop the till and input the cost of each item and tell customers how much to pay.. deals with cash, cheques and credit cards., A Shop assistant - deals with customers in a shop., A Gardener - looks after the garden, cutting grass, watering and feeding plants., A Receptionist - helps people when they come into a building., A paramedic - deals with emergencies and help people who are in an accident or ill.  , An estate agent - deals with renting and selling properties., politician - works in politics, firefighter - deal with emergencies to help protect people, the environment and property from all types of accident and emergencies, a journalist - works in a newsroom reporting on the news., An architect - designs buildings, An engineer - designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.,

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