I wonder if you could give me some advice., What do you think I ought to do?, I've got a bit of a problem and I don't know what to do., I've no idea how to decide what's best., I'd really appreciate your advice., I'm at a bit of a loss., I don't think you should do that., You'd better just tell her the truth., It's probably not a good idea to cheat., The best thing to do is to analyse the pros and cons., If I were you, I'd do there and have fun., Thanks, that's really helpful., You're right, that's good advice, thanks., I've never thought of that, it's a good idea., I don't know if it'll work but I'll give it a try., I thought of that but I'm pretty sure it won't work.,

Asking for, giving and reacting to advice (High Note 3, Unit 6)


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