1) Kate is looking at ... in the mirror a) yourself b) yourselves c) herself d) myself 2) Brian hurt ... in a car accident a) herself b) himself c) myself d) itself 3) If you are not careful you can hurt ... a) yourself b) ourselves c) themselves d) himself 4) We really need to ask for help because we can't manage by .... a) ourselves b) itself c) herself d) yourselves 5) The children are enjoying ... on the camping tiip. a) yourselves b) myself c) itself d) themselves 6) You guys can fix it ... You did it before! a) herself b) yourself c) yourselves d) themselves 7) I am enjoying ... at this birthday party. a) myself b) itself c) yourselves d) ourselves 8) It couldn't break by ... a) ourselves b) herself c) itself d) yourself


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