1) The efforts of this reformer led to improved facilities for the mentally ill and disabled. a) Susan B Anthony b) Dorothea Dix c) Elizabeth Cady Stanton d) Harriet Beecher Stowe 2) Who am I? I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for 8 years, and I can say what most conductors can't say- i never ran my train off the track.  a) Susan B Anthony b) Elizabeth Cady Stanton c) Harriet Beecher Stowe d) Harriet Tubman 3) Frederick Douglass inspired followers of the abolitionist movement by- a) writing Uncle Tom's Cabin b) publishing "The North Star" newspaper c) becoming the first African American senator d) leading the Underground Railroad 4) Which group was among the first abolitionists in the 13 colonies? a) American Indians b) Puritans c) Quakers d) Farmers 5) The primary goal of this group was to decrease the consumption of alcohol- a) Seneca Falls Convention b) World Anti-Slavery Convention c) American Temperance Society d) American Civil Liberties Union 6) This time period was marked by a renewed interest in religion, sparking social reform . . .  a) Second Great Awakening b) Era of Good Feelings c) Abolitionist Movement d) Jacksonian Era 7) The theme represented in this painting is most associated with- a) temperance movement b) Hudson River School artists c) industrial boom-towns 8) Who am I? “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men.” a) Horace Mann b) Elizabeth Cady Stanton c) William Lloyd Garrison d) Harriet Beecher Stowe 9) My book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, inspired many to become abolitionists. Who am I? a) William Lloyd Garrison b) Harriet Beecher Stowe c) Harriet Tubman d) Elizabeth Cady Stanton 10) The women's rights movement pushed for women's right to vote, known as- a) secession b) suffrage c) disenfranchisement d) sectionalism 11) This movement led the Seneca Falls Convention, issuing the Declaration of Sentiments in 1848- a) Abolitionist movement b) Temperance movement c) Women's Rights movement d) Education Reform Movement

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