Dawes Severalty Act (1887) - To assimilate Native Americans by breaking up reservation land into small allotments, Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) - Place a 10-year ban on Chinese laborers leading to a decrease in Chinese immigration, Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883) - Made job positions based on merit by requiring an exam before getting government jobs. Ended the spoils/patronage system in the federal government, Sherman Anti-trust Act (1890) - To prohibit monopolies and sustain competition. Prohibited unfair business practices. , Meat Inspection Act (1906) - Prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock in the meat packing industry, Hepburn Act (1906) - All the ICC to regulate the railroads, Pure Food and Drug Act  (1906) - To ensure the safety and quality of all food and drugs, Clayton Anti-trust Act (1913) - Strengthened the Sherman Anti-trust Act by closing loopholes that allowed trusts and monopolies to form. Prohibits companies from banning strikes, boycotts, and collective bargaining. , Selective Service Act of 1917 - Implemented during WWI to raise an army for participation in WWI, Immigration Act of 1924 - Also known as the Emergency Quota Act, it reduce immigration to only 2% of the total number people of each nationality already present,


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