TIME - the key to alcohol being removed from the body’s system, DEPRESSANT - drugs that work by slowing down the messages between the brain and the body by slowing down the activity of the central nervous system, ALCOHOL - made through fermenting different types of grains, vegetables and fruit, DRUG - any substance, except food and water, that alters the body's function when taken, SOBER - when you have no alcohol in your system, STIMULANT - a drug that works by speeding up the messages going between the brain and the body, through an increase in the activity of the central nervous system, HALLUCINOGEN - a drug that affects the central nervous system to drastically alter a user’s sense of reality or sensory perception, HARM MINIMISATION - an approach to risk taking behaviour that is designed to limit the harms that can result from high risk activities, SHORT TERM - the effects on the body both immediately and over a short period of time (hours), LONG TERM - the effects on the body over a long period of time (years),

Year 9 Health - Term 2 - Drugs - Match up


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