Buddy, Friend - Mate, Count on, Trust - Depend on, Rely on, Honest - Reliable, Get on well with - Have a good relationship, Never get on well with - Always argue, discuss, Never tell lies - Always tell the truth, Always keep secrets - Never share secrets, Arrive on time - Punctual, Dishonest - Unreliable, Laid-back - Relaxed, Stubborn - Never change mind, Mean - Bad-tempered, Tactful - Kind, polite, Annoyed, angry - Aggressive, Self-centered - Selfish, Generous - Like buying presents, Busy - Engaged, Available - Free, Soccer  - Football, Movie - Film, Movie theatre - Cinema, Reply - Answer, Come over - Visit, Make an excuse - Give a reason, an explanation, Refuse - Don't accept, can't accept, Accept - Don't refuse, can't refuse, pick me up - Take me by car, Support - Help, back up, Supportive - Helpful, Take care of - Look after,

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