David is very sociable and is used to travelling with other people. He'd like to go on holiday to New York and doesn't mind paying more money for a group tour. - ON THE GO travellers can purchase organised tours to Europe and North America. Detailed information about each tour appears on the website, with information about guides, hotel accommodation and places of interest. Tours cost between 400 and 1,000 pounds sterling, depending on the length of the trip as well as flight and hotel prices., Cindy is a biologist who studies exotic birds. She's planned a hiking trip to South America and would like to read more about animal life there. - ECO-TOURS is devoted to travel and the environment. This month, there is an article about a group of tourists that travelled to the Amazon rainforest, where they learned how local people have been affected by changes in forest size. Don't miss the interesting blog written by scientist Ronald Ford, who lives in the Amazon and researches wild birds., Sandy would like to visit Italy but she doesn't want to spend a lot of money. She's not working at the moment and can go on holiday whenever she wants. - TRAVELFAST is a useful website for people who are interested in inexpensive last-minute travel. It has information about available flights, hotel accommodation and transport in more than 50 cities in Europe and North America. Travel plans can be made online, or by phone for an extra 15 pounds sterling.,



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